Thursday, June 26, 2014

Exploring New York City


Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Quick Tour In Los Angeles :)


Tuesday, June 17, 2014

26 Ways to Feed Your Body for Results

Sports nutrition is easy, if you're a cartoon character. Take Popeye: The gravel-voiced sailorman would down a can of spinach, and next thing he knew he was shot-putting a bowling ball into the stratosphere. Try that at home and the only thing you'll be heaving is the spinach.

"No specific food will make you faster or stronger tomorrow," says Lonnie Lowery, R.D., Ph.D., an exercise and nutrition scientist at Winona State University, in Minnesota. Instead, whatever your goal—packing on muscle, going the distance, or losing that gut—you have to think long-term. "Sports nutrition is all about many factors adding up over time." In other words, think marathon, not sprint.

So even though there's nothing that will make you an instant athlete (or substitute for that last set of reps), the right foods and drinks can help you work harder, train longer, and look better. Good nutrition supports good workouts, and good workouts make the most of good nutrition. We've rounded up the latest research to help you fuel the body you have—and create the body you want. All you need is enough strength to twist a lid, tear a pouch, and, yes, open a can.

Increase Your Endurance
In some ways, your body is one big bundle of fuel wrapped in skin; a man of average size stores enough fat to sustain him for days, weeks, maybe months. So why is it so hard to exercise for much longer than a couple of hours at a time? One word: glycogen. It's glucose in storage form, and your body's most easily accessible source of energy. You can work, sleep, or wander the mall all day without ever making a dent in the glycogen stored in your muscles and liver. But the minute you ramp it up, your energy supply is on the clock.

"Most adults have enough glycogen to exercise 1 to 3 hours at most. If you're exercising at moderate to high intensity, your glycogen levels will sink more rapidly," says Marie Spano, R.D., a sports nutritionist in Atlanta who works with pro and college athletes. Your body will never let you use all your glycogen—there's always some in reserve—but you'll start slowing down when the needle nears the E. To train seriously, you need to delay that moment as long as possible.
Load Up and Go Long
Research shows that eating the right amount of carbs several hours before a race or a multihour training session can maximize your glycogen supply, which boosts your endurance. To top off your tank, your preworkout meal should include 1/2 to 1 gram of carbohydrates per pound of body weight, Spano says. For a 180-pound guy, that's between 350 and 700 calories from carbs (or 2 to 4 cups of cooked spaghetti). Which end of the range is right for you? Depends on how much time you have to digest. The longer the lag before game time, the more you can eat.
Eat Right for Short Workouts
If you're exercising for an hour or less, you don't need to make special dietary accommodations. But you do need fuel to sustain yourself. Lowery recommends eating a simple meal with at least 200 calories, 20 grams of protein, and 30 grams of carbs an hour or two before your workout. A simple grilled-chicken sandwich will set you up.
Drink for Endurance
Exercise-induced dehydration slows your motor neurons; it's as if you were making Michael Phelps swim through Jell-O. Not only do you feel fatigue sooner than you otherwise would, but your performance slips as well. Skipping liquids also means missing out on an easy-to-absorb delivery system for the nutrients your body needs during or after exercise.

Knowing how much fluid you need to replace isn't easy. Sweat rates range from a pint an hour to four times that, and of course rates fluctuate with the weather. Whatever you do, don't rely on thirst as a gauge. By the time you're hankering for a drink, you're probably well on your way to dehydration.

There's one way to know for sure if you're drinking enough: Weigh yourself before and after a long race or training session. Almost all the weight you lose is water. Replace each lost pound with 24 ounces (3 cups) of fluid. Another indicator of hydration status is your urine. If your bladder goes longer than 3 hours without a cry for help, you're probably not drinking enough, Spano says. Color matters, too; urine shouldn't be darker than a pale lager.

7 Alarming Signs You Are Unhealthy

We are often guilty of believing that we are a picture of fine health as we have no real signs that anything untoward is going on inside our body. However, this does not have to be true as there are actually a number of indications that we tend to ignore that are actually telling us that something is not right. Failure to pay attention to them will of course tend to lead to things getting worse, so what follows are 7 signs you are unhealthy in the hope that they may stop further problems from occurring.
1. You find that your lips crack.
It may sound like something that just happens due to the weather, but cracked lips, especially at the corners, can actually show that you have a vitamin B12 deficiency. A lack of this vitamin in your system can lead to health issues such as anaemia and it will affect your blood, so look at either buying a supplement to boost the levels, eat foods that are high in it, or consult your doctor to get a special injection that really will make a difference to your health.
2. You are not as tall as you used to be.
This may sound strange, but as we get older there is a tendency for us to shrink, but the rate at which this happens can indicate that there is some kind of issue with our bones and in particular with us developing osteoporosis. The problem with this bone disease is that it then means we are more likely to fracture a bone when we fall or develop curvature of the spine, so early diagnosis will allow you to make changes to your diet that can stop it from progressively getting worse.
3. You pick up more than your fair share of colds.
If you seem to be more prone to picking up colds it may indicate that you need to boost your immune system or there may be some kind of issue with it. You may be lacking in Vitamin C or there could even be a virus attacking it that you are unaware of, so get a blood test carried out that can check if there is anything to be concerned about and try to improve your general health to give it that natural boost.

7 Reasons You Should Start Eating Eggs

Eating more eggs is a great way to give you a healthy boost. If you are not keen on eating eggs regularly, here are reasons why you should.
Pity the poor egg
There is a misguided belief that the cholesterol found in the yolk raises the cholesterol levels in your body and puts your health at risk. But good news for egg lovers: Research supporting the health a benefit of eggs is piling up and several studies including a recent one found no link in healthy people between eggs and either stroke or heart attack. It has debunked the myth of unhealthy eggs.
Supplies you with vitamins
One average- sized egg is packed with several vitamins essential to your health:
• Vitamin B2 or riboflavin- which helps your body to break down food into energy.
• Vitamin B12 or cobalamin is vital for producing red blood cells.
• Vitamin A or retinol- which is great for your eyesight.
• Vitamin E or tocopherol helps fight off the free radicals that can cause cellular and tissue damage, which might lead to cancer. Vitamins A and B2 are also important for cell growth. So make sure your kids are eating eggs regularly.
Supplies you with essential minerals
Eggs are packed with phosphorus, iron and zinc. These minerals are vital for your body. You need plenty of iron and not getting enough can leave you grumpy, feeling tired and run down. Zinc keeps your immune system in top form and helps your body convert food into energy. Phosphorus is important for healthy teeth and bones. There are some trace elements you need in small amounts in eggs such as iodine, useful for making thyroid hormones and selenium- an antioxidant that can help cut your risk of cance

Can This New Supplement Give Women the Perfect Body?

If you're like 90 percent of the female population, you dream of transforming your body and getting into excellent shape.
The beauty of this moment, is that you can put aside your fears and self-imposed limitations and make it happen.You can do it! All you need to do is begin, and take the following steps:
#1 - Set Goals and a ScheduleThere's no such thing as "winging it" when you're trying to accomplish anything worthwhile. Before jumping into action, define exactly what you want to accomplish. Do you want to gain muscle mass? Are you looking to lean out? Is your cardio shape horrid?
Knowing what you need to accomplish will allow you to set up a winning schedule. Getting a trainer or consulting online resources can also help.
#2- Invest in High-Quality SupplementsHigh-quality natural supplement have been shown to help increase performance and aid in recovery.
Body Fit from Femme Factor is one powerful formula that utilizes a combination of green coffee beans and other natural extracts and compounds that lower your glucose levels, decrease fat absorption, and speed up your metabolism.
Femme Fatcor has gotten rave reviews, and the company is currently offering a risk-free 14-day sample. So you can try it out, make it an easy addition to your daily routine, and see if it works for you.
#3 - Revolutionize Your DietRemove temptation from the house! Ditch the unhealthy snacks and replace them with smarter options. For best results, eliminate processed foods, fatty meats, sodas, alcohol, and sugar from your diet.  Starting gradually can make it easier to get on the right path.
#4-  Build a Strong Support SystemWe often spend time with people who engage in similar habits, so find people who have the same health and fitness goals that you have. Ask your friends and family to support your plan, and even inspire them to join in the fun.
#5 - Get Enough SleepPeople need at least eight hours of sleep. It's amazing for muscle recovery, and a recent study from the University of Colorado Sleep and Chronobiology Laboratory revealed a connection between lack of sleep and weight gain.
Once you begin getting enough sleep, fuel your body with the right foods and supplements, and get your body moving, you'll be well on your way to getting into great shape.

10 Worst Fast Food Meals You Can Eat

If you are one of those people who just crave for fast food meals, you should not feel bad for yourself. There is nothing bad in eating fast food meals occasionally. However, it is pretty bad if you don’t leave out certain meals which may badly affect your overall health. According to most studies, if you eat certain foods, it is not long before fat gets accumulated in the blood vessels. In fact, repeated consumption of these foods can lead to diabetes, heart trouble and of course, obesity. Certain fast food meals have a high-calorie content with more sodium and fat. In this article, we will tell you about 10 worst fast food meals you can have.
Arby’s Roast Turkey & Swiss
Although this meal sounds healthy, it is not. Supersize slabs of bread give you 725 calories in an instant. Moreover, you also get 8 grams saturated fat and about a full day’s supply of sodium. In case you are too tempted, it is better to order this meal without mayo. In fact, sharing one half with someone else will be a far better option.
Subway’s Footlong Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki
Most people are fooled by Subway’s health halo. Make sure you are not one of them. This sandwich gives 9 grams fat with around 800 calories. Furthermore, you will get over 2,000 mg of sodium. The maximum intake of sodium by an adult should not be more than 2,300 calories. With this fast-food meal, you will be on the brink of crossing that line.

6 Ways You Destroy Your Feet

Take a moment to give your feet a little credit. After all, they contain a combined total of 56 bones—nearly a quarter of your entire skeleton. Your hooves support your weight and allow you to walk, run, and—for better or for worse—dance. If you’ve ever suffered from foot pain or an injury, then you know how quickly a minor issue can impact your ability to get around and be active. Don’t let it: The biggest mistake men make when it comes to their feet is putting off seeking help when there’s something wrong. 
“With almost all of the injuries I treat, people who get in to see me within the first month do much better than those who wait longer,” says Brian Fullem, D.P.M., a podiatrist in Tampa, Florida. He recommends seeing a specialist if your pain persists for a week or more, even if you’ve made changes like taking a break from running. Of course, prevention is the best way to save your soles—and you can do that by avoiding these six foot-health traps. 
1. Following a fad.
Earlier this month, Vibram USA agreed to settle a lawsuit that alleged the company made false claims about the health benefits of its FiveFingers running shoes. Dr. Fullem has seen firsthand the havoc the glove-like footwear can wreak on people’s soles. “The most unusual issues I’ve seen in most recent years have occurred because of those shoes,” he says. Two patients in the past 5 years have fractured their cuboid bone, a chunky bone located on the outside of the foot near the ankle, when they switched to FiveFingers. “The only other time I saw a fracture in that bone is from some kind of trauma like an accident,” adds Dr. Fullem.  
We like Vibrams fine. But the problem, according to Dr. Fullem, is that people switch to the shoes without changing how they run. With traditional sneakers, you land on your heel. FiveFingers are designed to mimic how you’d run barefoot, which means you should land on the middle of the foot. “When people throw them on and run 10 miles a day with the same technique they use in regular shoes, they experience significantly more impact throughout their feet, which can cause injuries.”  (Here's your primer for transitioning into minimal shoes properly.)
2. Gaining weight.
Excess flub is hell for your feet. A survey of more than 6,000 respondents by the American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society found that 41 percent of people with foot pain reported gaining weight before the soreness set in. People who copped to having foot surgery, visiting a physician for foot or ankle pain, or changing shoes based on a doctor’s advice had an average BMI of nearly 28; a healthy range is 18.5 to 24.9. 
Researchers found that a gain of just 10 pounds could trigger foot problems. The more you weigh, the greater the stress you place on the bones, ligaments, and tendons in your feet. Packing on pounds can also break down fatty tissue under your heel bone and contribute to plantar fasciitis—inflammation of the bottom of the foot between the ball and the heel.
3. Skipping socks.
Sporting shoes sans socks can increase your risk of contracting an infection. “Athlete’s foot is caused by fungi, which like dark, warm, and moist environments,” Dr. Fullem says. “Basically everything you’ll find inside a shoe.” Socks wick some of the moisture away from your feet, so if you’re barefoot in your boat shoes, the moisture has nowhere to go—and fungus thrives. Look for socks made from synthetic materials, which do a better job of zapping moisture than cotton. 
4. Choosing fashion over function.
Every foot is different, so it really pays to get your running shoes from a store that specializes in helping you find the right fit rather than ordering a pair online because you like how they look, says Dr. Fullem. Your local store should analyze how you run and help you find the best shoes to fit your needs. (Even if you’re not a runner, shoe specialists can fit you with kicks based on the activities you do). Ideally, the shoes you choose will provide support in the places you need it in order to reduce the risk of overuse injuries, stress fractures, and knee pain, which can occur if your shoes don’t fit properly.  
5. Squeezing into narrow shoes. 
“The traditional wingtip shoe is the worst shoe for men,” Dr. Fullem says. That’s because it comes to a narrow point, which squishes your toes together. Many people assume bunions—bumps around the joint at the base of the big toe—are due to genetics, but wearing too-tight shoes are the most common culprits. Bunions can cause severe pain and swelling and may require surgery to remove them. 
Narrow shoes may also lead to ingrown toenails because your first toe presses against the second one, resulting in abnormal pressure on the nail that can trigger inflammation and pain. “Always shop for shoes later in the day when your foot swells so you can get a more accurate fit,” Dr. Fullem advises. He also recommends buying shoes made from softer materials that have some give, like leather, to accommodate any swelling that may occur.
6. Relying on a single pair of shoes.  
If you work out most days of the week, alternate two pairs of sneakers rather than lacing up the same ones day after day. “After a workout, the midsole compresses so it provides less support until it’s had a chance to expand again,” Dr. Fullem says. Depending on how hard you worked out and how much you sweat, it can take your shoes a day or more to fully dry out. Alternating your shoes will help them last longer so you have to replace them less frequently.
The general guideline is to replace your shoes about every 300 to 500 miles of use. But trust feel above all else—if your feet or legs feel different after a run or you notice any changes in your shoe’s support, then it’s probably time for a fresh pair. “When the midsole material breaks down, you’re not getting as much shock absorption as you do when they’re new. You may develop knee pain, shin splint pain, and other injuries,” Dr. Fullem says. 

Beat Back Pain—and Stop Snacking, Too!

Beware a spinal trap: New research from Yale School of Medicine suggests that an achy back may make you overeat.

In a small study, people with chronic low-back pain enjoyed pudding less than pain-free people did. The study results also suggested that the participants in pain didn’t feel full after snacking on the dessert—meaning that instead of eating a food, savoring it, and moving on, back-pain sufferers might eat extra in order to seek the pleasure they don’t receive from chowing down.

It’s still a hypothesis, the researchers stress. But the weird link may occur because brain circuits that process pain overlap with those that register food’s appeal, says study author Paul Geha, M.D.

Of course, a sore back doesn’t just spur snacking. It also makes you miserable—and you’ll do anything to find relief. Luckily, there’s a way to prevent the pain: Watch the video below to learn 3 easy exercises that will strengthen your core, save your back, and dispel your discomfort for good.

10 Facts You Must Know About Accidents

1. Accidents are the third-biggest killer of men in America. In 2007, car accidents, fires, poisonings, and other unexpected tragedies killed nearly 80,000 guys. 
2. Unsurprisingly, motor vehicle crashes—like the one that nearly killed Jay Williams—lead the way as the most common accidental death. In 2012, over 20,000 men were killed on the road.
3. Men are more prone to motor vehicle crashes than women, and as a result, die more frequently. According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, guys rack up more miles and engage in riskier driving practices, like not wearing seatbelts and driving while intoxicated. 
4. Simply wearing a seatbelt reduces your risk of a crash-related death by about 50 percent. That’s big. Men are 10 percent less likely to wear their seatbelts than women. 
5. Poison is the second most frequent accidental killer. It claims just over 33,000 male and female lives per year. 
6. That doesn’t just mean swallowing cleaning substances. Adults can be poisoned via pain relievers, antidepressants, sedatives, alcohol, street drugs, cosmetics, antihistamines, and fumes. 
7. Next up on the list: fires and burns. They’re the third-leading cause for accidental injuries. In 2010, more than 13,000 people were hurt as a result of fires—and 2,640 died. 
8. The biggest cause of fire-related deaths is a familiar culprit: smoking. Cooking is the leading cause of residential fires. Most fire victims don’t die from the burns, but rather, fall victim to the smoke or toxic gases. 
9. Drowning is another form of accidental death. Nearly 80 percent of people who die underwater are male. 
10. The most common theme in all these accidents? Neglecting instructions. The best way to reduce your risk is remarkably simple: Follow the rules. Pay attention. Abide by the law. 

Avoid These Gross Foot Infections!

Ugh, plantar warts. They’re painful, deep, and unsightly. They magically appear on the bottoms of your feet, and then take ages to go away. But we can save your soles. Read on to learn the easiest and fastest ways to destroy plantar warts—and prevent the nuisances from ever showing up again.

How you get them
Plantar warts are contagious viral infections caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV). Your skin has to come in direct contact with a surface containing the virus—most of us contract it from bare floors, swimming pool decks, and locker room floors where the moisture allows the virus to thrive. The virus infects skin cells and sits outside the body, which makes it hard for your immune system to properly fight the infection, says Pete Smith, DPM, vice president of the Pennsylvania Podiatric Medical Association. They usually last a very long time, several months to a couple of years, and if left untreated, can spread. Due to pressure on the foot, they can also be painful while walking, standing, or exercising.

Duct tape works—sort of ...
Placing duct tape over the wart is an old trick that can actually work sometimes. It’s not the tape itself that does the trick—it’s most likely the skin’s allergic reaction to the adhesive that stimulates the body’s immune system to kill the virus, says Smith. A 2007 study from the University of Minnesota found that duct tape was effective 21% of the time. If you want to try it, follow these steps: Apply the duct tape over the wart, a bit bigger than the wart, to ensure the tape stays fixed to the skin. Leave it on six and a half days, replacing if it falls off, and then let the skin rest overnight. Repeat for several weeks, says Davis.

Try a topical
Medicinal lotions are the most common first-attempt strategies. Most of these are salicylic acid-based products. Look for products with the highest percentage, which will be the most effective, Smith says. An important part of topical treatments is to remove some of the excess, overlying skin on the wart, so that when you apply the medication it can penetrate down to the virus faster. The skin on the bottom of your foot is 10-15 times thicker than other places on your body, making it harder for the medication to penetrate. Finally, sanitize your shoes with bleach or a strong vinegar solution if your bare feet have come in contact with them. Throw your running shoes in the washer, or take out the insoles and let them completely dry out, Smith advises.

Avoid the knife!
If you try to remove it yourself with a sharp object, you could injure yourself, says Dawn Marie Davis, M.D., a dermatologist at the Mayo Clinic. “Also, warts do easily spread by friction, so avoid traumatizing your skin in an attempt to remove the wart,” she says. This includes applying extreme heat or cold to the wart to try to resolve it. That not only risks severe skin damage, but it won't work. Remember as well that taking a sharp object to it yourself could lead to a bacterial infection on top of your viral one. Skip it.

Seek professional help
Possibly the easiest way to get rid of the wart is by going to the podiatrist or dermatologist for treatment. There are a number of different prescription topical treatments they can offer that are much stronger than over-the-counter solutions. The physician can also offer treatments including laser and surgical excision to get rid of the wart.   
Avoid contracting them again
Since the virus is contracted by skin-to-skin contact and by coming into contact with inanimate objects that have the virus, it is important to always have the feet protected from such contact, Smith says. Don't walk barefoot in public pools, gyms, locker rooms or showers where someone with the virus may have been.  Don't wear other people's shoes. Try not to get cuts or scrapes on your feet, which would allow easier access to the skin for the virus, Smith says.

The Hottest Wives and Girlfriends of World Cup Athletes

Irina Shayk

Tired of your GF lusting after Cristiano Ronaldo? Just shift your focus to the Portuguese forward’s model girlfriend: This Russian beauty graced the cover of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition in 2011 (she was also featured in the December issue of Men’s Health that same year!) and has appeared in every swimsuit edition since.

Sara Carbonero

Carbonero is the Erin Andrews of Spain—but brunette, with alluringly light eyes and an impeccably toned physique. She’s a TV reporter and sports journalist (yep, she covers the World Cup!), and the significant other of Spanish goalkeeper Iker Cassilas.

Ann-Kathrin Brömmel

This blue-eyed beauty competed in Germany’s Next Top Model, and although she didn’t win, we’re guessing she’s a good-luck charm for her boyfriend Mario Götze, an attacking midfielder on the German team. 

Yolanthe Sneijder-Cabau

This dark-haired stunner was born on the Spanish island of Ibiza, but she’s now the reigning queen of The Netherlands: She’s married to Wesley Sneijder, an attacking midfielder for the Dutch national team. 

Antonella Roccuzzo

Roccuzzo has known hubby Lionel Messi—a forward for the Argentinian team—since they were both five years old. This is one lucky case of puppy love: Roccuzzo has that particular brand of exotic beauty—black hair, olive skin, a hard-to-miss backside—every guy lusts after

Amra Silajdzic

With her Jolie-esque lips and the leggy physique of a Victoria’s Secret Angel, it’s no wonder Edin Dzeko, a forward for Bosnia-Herzegovina, fell for his actress girlfriend Silajdzic

Melissa Satta

This Italian-American TV presenter (and Sports Illustrated model) may be just as athletic as her fiancée Kevin-Prince Boateng, a midfielder for Ghana’s team: She used to play women’s football in Sardinia and is a gold medal-winning karate champ. 

Sam Cooke

Cooke is buxom, blonde, and not shy about baring all up top—oh, and she just happens to be dating the English national team’s center back, Chris Smalling. Wouldn’t you love to be him? 

Michela Quattrociocche

Quattrociocche, an Italian actress with all the sultry sex appeal of Megan Fox, tied the knot in 2012 with Alberto Aquilani, a midfielder for the Italian team. Who cares about winning when she’s the woman you come home to? 

Gabriella Lenzi

This Brazilian model—and GF of Neymar, a forward for Team Brazil —has a butt that deserves serious screen time. Lucky for you, she has many other assets that score her lots of love.

Georgette Eto’o Fils

Fils—the wife of Cameroonian forward Samuel Eto’o—is perhaps best known for her ample chest (just check out Google images!), but we’re equally enthralled by her pillowy lips, those impeccable abs, and her seemingly endless legs.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Can Sex Really Help Shed Pounds?

Despite the fact that sex is an activity generally done lying down, a new study out of the University of Quebec in Montreal found that it's actually a respectable calorie burner. As a rare hybrid of gym rat and lazy sloth, I am all for trying to combine a workout with things I do in my warm, comfy bed. Jessica Matthews, exercise physiologist for the American Council on Exercise, confirmed it's possible. "Sex can burn 3 to 4.5 calories a minute and more, depending on how vigorous it is," she told me. Oh, it would be vigorous. Armed with goodies like the Forerunner 220 (the latest fitness watch from those geniuses at Garmin) and my "workout partner," aka my husband, Greg, I decided to go for the burn.

The lowdown

First up, arms. I cranked out three sets of 10 push-ups while on oral duty, pausing between sets to give my guns a rest and to work my abs by holding a plank. My arms were trembling, and a thin film of sweat covered my pits and upper lip. I know what you want to ask, and the answer is yes, it is hard being this sexy.

Squat thrusts

Next, leg work. I positioned a yoga mat near the kitchen counter. Greg lay on it, and I crouched over his lap, feet on either side of his hips, turning my back to him. I pressed the timer on my watch and held on to the counter while I did mini-squats for 60 seconds. Recovered. Eyed some cookies and almost quit but persevered with two more sets.

Tummy tamer

We moved to the bedroom for the abs portion of the workout. Greg stood at the foot of the bed while I stuck my legs straight up in the air, holding a medicine ball above my head. While Greg thrust, I crunched, bicycled and scissored my ankles until my abs weren't the only thing screaming in response. (Wink, wink.)

To the finish

Sprint time! I synced my watch to a heart-rate monitor and went for the O. I started out at 59 beats per minute, and the first orgasm brought that to 127—it takes running on a treadmill at a 7.7 on a 3 percent incline for a minute to get my heart rate that high. It dropped down to the 80s, then climbed up to 117 again with O number two. I was aiming for three "sprints," but I am only human, and, well, so is Greg. The whole experiment took 40 minutes, which means I burned roughly 180 calories—a hefty glass of wine. My arms and lower abs were sore later, proof I got my fitness on. I wouldn't give up Physique 57, but it's not a terrible option for when I'm all out of clean sports bras and too lazy to do laundry.

Hey Android Users: Google Soon to Launch Health Service Google Fit

We gave you the heads up last week about Apple's Healthkit feature announcement at the Worldwide Developer Conference. But Android users, don't feel left out in all the fun tech/health developments: Now Google is expected to launch its own health service called Google Fit.
Like Healthkit, Google Fit will aggregate data from mainstream fitness trackers and health apps for a one-stop shop solution to tracking.
The big reveal will go down at the company's developers' conference which kicks off June 25. If you have a fitness tracker you can't live without, heads up that they're supposed to also announce partnerships with wearable device makers too.

For those of you out there juggling various apps and trackers—how excited are you for the roll-out??

A Week’s Worth of Gorgeous Legs: Jessica, Ashley and JLo Have Got Some Serious Stems

Did you guys catch the serious celeb leg show this week courtesy of Jennifer Lopez, Ashley Greene and Jessica Simpson? The trio of stars all showed off their strong legs, reminding us that —finally, FINALLY—summer is freakin' here! And it got us all excited for short-shorts season.
JLo performed at the 2014 FIFA World Cup Opening Ceremonies in Brazil yesterday, dancing in a sparkly green bodysuit that quite possibly couldn't reveal any more leg without getting into dangerous territory. Sidenote: did you all catch her looking red-hot with legs for days on the cover of Billboard?!
Before that, Ashley and Jessica each showed off their insanely muscular stems while walking around NYC. And hold up—Ashley is in flats and you can still see all that tonage. Major, right?!
Yes, we have leg envy. And we're okay with it.
Here are three moves that should help you (and us, too) target and shape your muscles so you can  jump right into short shorts, miniskirts and more summer faves ASAP.
Seated Attitude Lift
Sit with legs extended, arms at sides. Bring left heel to right thigh, keeping left thigh on floor. Place hands on either side of left knee; roll onto left butt cheek; swing right leg behind you, knee bent. Lift right knee about 2 inches off floor (as shown), then lower it, for one rep. Do 20 reps. Switch sides; repeat.

Barbell or Dumbbell Step-Up
Grasp a barbell with a wider than shoulder width grip and place on the back of the shoulders. Stand facing the side of a flat bench. Place the foot of the working leg on top of the bench and then extend the hip and knee. Upon completion of hip and knee extension of the working leg, place the foot of the non-working leg down on the bench for added stability. Return to the start position by first stepping back down off the bench with the non-working leg, followed by the working leg. Alternate the working-leg used each repetition. Do 3 to 4 sets of 4 to 6 repetitions on each leg. (If doing dumbbell step-ups, hold dumbbells with arms down along the side of the body, palms facing inward along the outside of the thighs.)

 The Butt Lifter

Lie faceup, knees bent, feet flat. Extend right leg toward ceiling, toes pointed. Squeeze glutes and lift hips to form a straight diagonal from left knee to shoulders (as shown). Raise hips higher, then lower to floor for 1 rep. Do 15 reps. Switch legs; repeat.

What You’re Grilling for Father’s Day: A Whiskey-Marinated Strip Steak

Father’s Day only comes once a year, so why not treat Dad to a home-cooked meal? In the spirit of making him feel special, it's YOUR turn to get behind the grill. Here's a to-die-for whiskey-marinated strip steak recipe plus sides that are hearty and healthy. Sorry siblings; you'll be claiming golden-child status in no time.

Whiskey-Marinated Strip Steak

For some true man-food, this main course strip steak marinated in whiskey is sure to please. Let it marinate for a full 24 hours for maximum flavor. Strip steak may seem like a macho cut of beef, and it is, but this juicy cut is actually also one of the 38 cuts of beef that is considered lean. Plus, the whiskey marinade adds flavor without additional fat, so you’ll be pleasing Dad’s taste buds all while taking care of his ticker.
  • 4 (6-ounce) New York Strip Steaks
  • ½ cup whiskey
  • 2/3 cup brown sugar
  • 2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce
  • 2 teaspoons Dijon mustard
  • 2 tablespoons kosher salt
  • 2 tablespoons freshly ground black pepper
  • 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar
  • ½ cup thinly sliced shallots
  • 8 crushed garlic cloves
  • 4 bay leaves
Mix all ingredients except for the steaks in a medium bowl. Transfer marinade to a gallon zip-top plastic bag and add steaks, completely covering them with marinade. Seal tightly and marinate for 24 hours in the refrigerator. Heat grill to medium and meanwhile take the steaks out of the refrigerator and let come to room temperature. Discard marinade and grill until desired degree of doneness is achieved. Enjoy! Serves 4.
And if you need help with meal planning, we've got your side options (and dessert!) all picked out:
Polenta with Vegetables For the dad with a big appetite, try this hearty vegetable and polenta recipe for the perfect steak side. It’s easy to make, but looks fancy and has the perfect combination of fiber from the fresh veggies and polenta as well as protein from the parmesan cheese to fill Dad up.
Roasted Potato Salad with Sweet Corn and Cider Vinegar If Dad is a meat-and-potatoes guy as well as a music fan, this potato salad from Sheryl Crow is bound to please! Roasting the potatoes and combining them with sweet corn provides plenty of flavor, while using a vinegar-based dressing instead of a traditional mayo-based one keeps things light.
Garlic Green Beans with Parmesan Looking for a green side dish that will please even the pickiest of dads? How about these easy garlicky green beans? Quick and simple to make, this green bean dish is packed with Vitamins A, C, K, and fiber but with so much flavor, Dad will never guess how healthy it actually is!

Almond Raspberry Cheesecake Finish off Dad’s special meal with an antioxidant-packed cheesecake. Decadent, yet full of feel-good ingredients this dessert is the perfect way to cap off the dinner and celebrate Dad. 

6 Moves to Resize Your Butt and Thighs ;)

For a wow booty and toned thighs, you need one simple slimmer: the squat. Try these supercharged versions and you'll love hanging out in your bikini

Sunday, June 15, 2014



Saturday, June 14, 2014

The Streets Of London!


Thursday, June 12, 2014