Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Hannah Ferguson is the model you should be following

When the clay pigeon shooting competition in San Angelo, Texas folded ten years ago, it was the fault of local 25-year-old Sports Illustrated model and Instagram sweetheart Hannah Ferguson. Ferguson and her family would all compete annually and, after winning in every category three years running, the competition began to feel rather pointless. This was perhaps inevitable - Ferguson's father was a sniper, her mother a Marine Corps drill instructor and the family hobby was shooting. "Growing up, my four siblings and I would wake up early and go to the range with my dad," says the model, who was home-schooled. "It was a bonding exercise."

Ferguson, who once worked for Trump Models ("No comment"), was also taught to fish by her dad. Scroll through her Instagram account and, between pictures of catwalks (Moschino), magazine covers (Elle, Sports Illustrated) and body-painted swimsuits (the fishnet number took 18 hours, no less), there she is wielding a 57-pound wahoo (a type of fish), along with two huge lobsters and a spectacular mahi (also a fish). "My arm was sore for two days after the wahoo," says Ferguson, who can spear mackerel from ten metres. "And it's a bigger catch than my boyfriend's ever had." The hashtag? #girlswhofish. Other hobbies include horse-riding, figure-skating and... barbering. "I always liked the idea of becoming a barber," says Ferguson. With a knack for shooting, spearing and reeling in, a cut and shave should be no trouble. Barber competitions beware.

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